海报太成功了至少我因为它去看了并且不止一次设定超前制景大牛免费国产人成网站视频在线观看现在来看或许有点cult内味儿虽然没脑子人物和无大意义剧情有点那个但还是看了又看就对了音效和画面我真的迷之喜欢潜意识具象化有惊讶到融合了Hobbed和Freud对人类文明起源的构想看不见的猛兽在那个对宇宙还很无知的年代真的很可以了可是人类的载具为什么会是ufo啊有趣有趣 #技术限制不了想象力 #“After all, we are not God.”
- "how do you find this film?" - "it's a film rather bold and raw. the director employs shocking scenes to confront its spectators, trying to challenge the boundary of spectatorship. but such an experimental attempt actually contains the metaphorical core of european decline. and that's me lying." - " so what's the truth?" - "oh it's an ugly porn."